How We Structure Web Servers

So you want the technical details of what we do differently? You want to know what makes DP Hosting so special? You want to know what gives our clients superior up-time and fewer headaches?  The answer lies in the secret sauce. That special ingredient added in at just the right time during the cooking process that gives it the kick you’ve been looking for.

Or it lies in just a fundamental difference in our philosophy of how we set up our shared hosting servers.  We want you to be comfortable with what we’re doing.  And somewhere down the line, transparency seemed to be the best way to accomplish it.


The fundamental flaw in shared hosting is the unknown adverse effects of other web sites sharing the same resources as your web site.

Most shared hosting servers are over-sized servers with enough memory (RAM) and processing power (CPU) to host a thousand web sites.  In fact, many times they do.  And when you have this many web sites hosted on a single server, all you need is one site to get hacked, infected, or start a malicious script of some sort and it can take down every site in a second.

The easiest solution to this problem is to host only a handful, 50 at most, on a single server.  But this can get pricey and most clients don’t need the full amount of resources being offered at that price point.VPS Graphic

But at DP Hosting, we found a hybrid solution that combines the best of both options and eliminates the worst in both options.  And the secret is virtualization.  Yes, the technology buzz word that is possibly only behind social media, virtualization.  Essentially we take one of those over-sized servers, and cut it up in to little virtual pieces.  Each piece appears as a standalone server, with it’s own processor, memory, and resources.  The technical name for this is a called a VPS or Virtual Private Server.

Here’s the best part – if a web site on one of those virtual environments gets hacked, infected, or crashes, it only affects the small subset of clients on the same virtual server.  The other virtual servers, even if on the same physical box, will remain up and will experience no ill affects from it’s neighboring virtual server.  And if you are concerned about security, the same steps taken on the larger servers are still taken on the smaller virtual servers.


This means there is less of a chance outside influences will make your web site go down.  And it costs the same as a standard shared hosting account.

That’s why we call this Smarter Web Hosting.